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Corporate Nutrition Training


Current statistics show that 45.3% of Malaysians are Obese and Overweight. This means that almost half of our population are in high risk of developing chronic diseases that stem from obesity. This concern is no longer isolated to adults, but it is now affecting adolescence and children as the national rate of childhood obesity is also on the rise. 

Nouriture Living provides wellness trainings based on healthy eating workshops to corporate companies.


Why corporate companies?


The average Malaysian spends about 9 to 10 hours in the office. This means a good majority of their waking hours, which includes two out of three meal times at work. These are the population that drastically need a change in lifestyle but to find an extra hour or two to work out 3 times a week is not feasible to most people. Just like a new year's resolution, the gym membership only lasts for a month. However, we all have to eat, so changing our eating habits is the best way to start. 


Most people try to diet incorrectly; this results in fatigue, weakness and lack of focus. Even if done right, this doesn't last long as it is usually a solo journey and peer pressure sets very easily


We will provide alignment amongst co-workers and create an encouraging environment so changes in eating habits can be adopted together. With a strong support system in the office, this will develop into an incredible habit and begin to influence eating habits at home.


Knowing what to eat and will result in:

  • Healthier individuals which will in turn create healthier families

  • Lessen the risk of illnesses and ailments which will decrease the cost of medical insurance claims

  • Ensure positive, measurable, long term results

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